5 hryvnias


5 hryvnia Monuments of architecture of Ukraine - House with Chimeras

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30 000

מטבעות סוג

16,54 гр.
35 мм
1,8 мм


פְּנֵי הַמַטבֵּעַ
On the obverse of the coin at the top there is a small State Emblem of Ukraine, the semicircle inscription is the NATIONAL BANK OF UKRAINE, under which (on the right) the year of coinage is 2013; against the house with chimeras is a portrait with an inscription in a semicircle by V. Gorodetsky, to the left of which are the years of the life of the architect 1863 - 1930, above which the denomination is 5 griven and the logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine.
On the reverse of the coin, on a mirror background of the contour of the house with chimeras, is a relief depicted a fragment of a sculpture composition adorning the facade of the building; The facsimile of the architect is placed vertically on a mirror background, the inscription HOUSE WITH CHEMISERS is placed in a semicircle at the bottom right.
It is dedicated to the unexpectedly artistic design and the newest structures with sculptural decoration on mythological and hunting scenes, built in the early twentieth century, and the 150th anniversary of the birth of its author - Vladislav Gorodetsky, an architect, a brilliant engineer, traveler, entrepreneur. Artist: Kuzmin Alexander, Skoblikova Maria Sculptor: Ivanenko Svyatoslav, Demyanenko Anatoly