10 hryvnias


To combatants on the territory of other states

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1 000 000

מטבעות סוג

12,4 гр.
30 мм
1,8 мм


פְּנֵי הַמַטבֵּעַ
On the obverse of the coin are placed: the small State Emblem of Ukraine, over which the inscription UKRAINE; on a mirror background - a stylized composition: on the background of the Earth’s model the continents are depicted and the face value 10 / GRIVEN is indicated (below); coin minting year 2019 (left); the logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine (right); inscription FOR PARTICIPANTS OF BATTLE ACTIONS IN THE TERRITORY OF OTHER STATES (in the top in a semicircle).
On the reverse of the coin framed by a floral ornament, on the mirror background there are inscriptions: DUTY / COURAGE / MEMORY.
Dedicated to Ukrainian military experts - participants in many peacekeeping missions. Since 1992, nearly 40,000 Ukrainian troops have participated in international peacekeeping operations. The Ukrainian military reserve numbers nearly 330,000, most of which are veterans of the war in Afghanistan. A separate echelon of war veterans includes military specialists with experience in conducting peacekeeping operations in Vietnam, Syria, Angola, Mozambique, Egypt and other countries.