5 hryvnias


5 hryvnia 240 years since the birth of Ivan Petrovich Kotlyarevsky

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5 000

Tyyppi kolikot

15.55 гр.
33 мм


On the obverse of the coin are placed: the small State Emblem of Ukraine, semicircular inscriptions - the NATIONAL BANK of UKRAINE (above), FIVE grivens (below) and a stylized composition - Aeneas, a boat, a fragment of a Trojan column and a helmet, under which is the year of minting of the coin 2009.
The reverse of the coin depicts a portrait of Ivan Kotlyarevsky, to the right and to the left of which are lines from T. Shevchenko’s poem “Eternal memory to Kotlyarevsky” ... As long as the sun goes dark, You will not be forgotten! .., The semicircle contains the inscriptions: above - Ivan KOTLYAREVSKY, below - the life years of one thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine - +1838.
Smooth with in-depth inscription "Ag925 15.55"
Dedicated to Ivan Petrovich Kotlyarevsky (1769 - 1838) - an outstanding Ukrainian writer, public figure, first classic of the Ukrainian literature, author of famous works - the poem ʻEneida`, the play `Natalia Poltavka` and the vaudeville` Moskal-charivnik`. Artist: Svetoslav Ivanenko Sculptor: Svyatoslav Ivanenko