5 hryvnias


5 hryvnia Scorpio

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15 000

Тип новац

15.55 гр.
33 мм


On the obverse of the coin in the center of the circle there is a stylized image of the sun, to the left, to the right, as well as above and below of which - four balls illuminated by it, which symbolize the seasons. To the left of the circle is the small State Emblem of Ukraine, to the right is the year of minting of the coin 2007, the designation of the metal, its sample Ag 925, the mass in purity is 15.55; in the circle of the coin are the inscriptions: NATIONAL BANK OF UKRAINE (above), 5 griven (below), and also the logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine.
On the reverse of the coin there is a stylized image of a scorpion surrounded by stars, to the left of which are the outlines of the constellation, below is the symbol of the zodiac sign, to the right is a stylized inscription CONSTELLATION / SCORPIO.
Dedicated to the constellation Scorpio. Artist: Taran Vladimir, Haruk Alexander, Haruk Sergey Sculptor: Demyanenko Vladimir, Demyanenko Anatoly