On the obverse of the coins in the frame of a wreath, formed from images of certain types of flora and fauna, there is a small State Emblem of Ukraine and inscriptions in four lines: UKRAINE, 2, hryvnia, 2001 and the Mint logo of the National Bank of Ukraine.
The reverse of the coins depicts a lynx with a cub sitting on a branch, and circular inscriptions: at the top is an ordinary lynx, at the bottom is LYNX LYNX.
Dedicated to the ordinary lynx (Lynx lynx), which is among the predatory animals (Carnivora). Valuable fur animal distributed mainly in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Its small populations are preserved in remote areas of the forest in Manevichsky district of Volyn region. Listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Artist: Demyanenko Vladimir Sculptor: Demyanenko Vladimir