5 hryvnias


150 years of the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Ukraine. T.G.Shevchenko

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40 000

typ mince

16,54 гр.
35 мм
1,8 мм


In the center of the coin is an image of a trident - the small State Emblem of Ukraine; on the sides of it are displayed oak leaves with two spikelets. From each ear vertically up comes out of three spines. The inscription “UKRAINA” (UKRAINE) is on the top of the coin, the year of issue of the coin is located under the emblem. at the bottom of the inscription: 5 / UAH; bottom right - the logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine.
The reverse of the coin depicts a stylized composition: an auditorium above which is an allegorical composition: heraldic griffins hold the lyre in their paws as a symbol of musical art and inscription: NATIONAL ACADEMIC THEATER (semicircle at the top), OPERA AND BALLET UKRAINE IM. T. G. SHEVCHENKO (under griffins), 150 years (below).
Devoted to the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Ukraine. Shevchenko T. - an outstanding creative team, which has absorbed the best traditions of Ukrainian culture. The fame of the opera and ballet art of Ukraine has long reached outside the country. The National Opera of Ukraine is actively and successfully integrated into the world music process, as evidenced by tours in many countries of the world, participation in the most prestigious music festivals.