On the obverse of the coin there is an image of the small State Emblem of Ukraine in a conditional square formed by direct inscriptions: UKRAINE (above), 2 hryvnias (below), 1998 (left).
The reverse of the coin contains the logo of the EBRD’s annual meeting of the EBRD’s Board of Directors in Kiev in 1998, consisting of a monument to the legendary founders of Kiev and the EBRD logo itself, in a conditional square formed by direct inscriptions: EBRD ANNUAL MEETING (below), BOARD OF GOVERNORS (right), KYIV MAY 1998 (left).
Devoted to the 1998 annual meeting of the EBRD Board of Governors in Kiev. Artist: Natalia Domovitsky, Oksana Terekhina Sculptor: Vladimir Demyanenko, Vladimir Atamanchuk