5 hryvnias


For the New Year holidays

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50 000

tips monētas

16,54 гр.
35 мм


On the obverse, coins are placed on a mirror background: at the top is the inscription UKRAINE, under which is the small State Emblem of Ukraine, in the center are three angels; on the left - the year of coinage 2018; below - face value 5 / griven; in a circle - a stylized image of snowflakes and stars; Logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine (right).
A colored Christmas star is depicted on the reverse of the coin (used pad printing) - one of the symbols of the folk rite of caroling, an ancient symbol of the sun, fire and heat; inscription around the star: HAPPY NEW YEAR AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Dedicated to the New Year and Christmas holidays - a fun, joyful period, distinguished by its special rituals, the richness of folklore, ethnographic originality. New Year is not just the eve of the new 12 months, but one of the oldest and most mysterious holidays, the expectations and celebrations of which are connected with the world of good tales and magic. In the universal cultural tradition, this is an event that for centuries has been celebrated in all countries and on all continents. In Ukraine, the New Year and Christmas celebrations have a special long history, a rich and varied paraphernalia, and preserved ancient traditions.