5 hryvnias


100th anniversary of the first Kurultay of the Crimean Tatar people

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35 000

tips monētas

16,54 гр.
35 мм


On the obverse of the coin there is a small State Emblem of Ukraine, to the right of which there are inscriptions: UKRAINE / 5 griven, under the emblem - the year of coinage 2017; the blue image of the map of the peninsula of Crimea, against which the yellow letters are such lines in Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar from the anthem of the Crimean Tatar people: I swore, / I gave the WORD / DIE FOR PEOPLE ... / and the yellow tamga (used pad printing) - the emblem of the Crimean Tatars , logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine (right).
The reverse of the coin against the background of the mosque buildings depicts delegates of the Crimean Tatar National Congress and around the inscription in Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar languages ​​100 years old (above the building to the right), FIRST Kurultay of the Crimean Tatar people
Devoted to an important event in the history of the Crimean Tatar people - the national congress, the first Kurultay, which took place in November 1917. The result of the work of Kurultay was the adoption of the Constitution of the Crimean People's Republic, which recognized the equality of all the inhabitants of Crimea, regardless of their nationality, enshrined the equality of women, proclaimed fundamental democratic freedoms. Kurultay approved the national flag of blue, the national emblem in the form of the golden tamga of the Crimean khans and the national anthem.