5 hryvnias


Struve Geodetic Arc

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30 000

tipas monetų

16.54 гр.
35 мм


On the obverse of the “Struve Geodesic Arc” coin, the small State Emblem of Ukraine is located at the top, the inscription “UKRAINA” is engraved on the left, under which the year of coinage is indicated - “2016”. In the lower part of the obverse, in two lines, the denomination is marked “5 griven”; the logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine is located. The theodolite geodetic instrument is depicted against a mirror background, to the right of which you can see the schematic triangulation and the names of the countries through which the Struve arc passes - “NORWEGIA, SWEDEN, FINLANDIA, ROSIYA, ESTONIA, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, BILORUS, UKRAH RADA RADA RADA RADA RADA RADA RADA RADA RADA RADA RADA RED).
On the reverse of the commemorative coin on the mirror background is a portrait of Struve, to the right of which the inscriptions are engraved in a semicircle: “GEODESIC ARC STRRUE”, “1816 - 1855” (the years during which measurements were made). To the left of the portrait there is a stylized composition: on the background of the geographical map, the Struve arc is shown and there are inscriptions - “FUGLENES”, “2822 km” (above) and “STARA NEKRASIVKA” (below).
The Struve geodetic arc is a network of 265 triangulation points (stone cubes embedded in the earth) with a length of more than 2,820 km. The arc passes through 10 European countries and was used to determine the parameters of the Earth, its shape and size. Named in honor of its creator, an outstanding Russian astronomer Friedrich Struve. Points of the arc can still be found in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, Finland, Sweden. Arc Struve is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. artist - Nikolai Kochubey, sculptors - Svyatoslav Ivanenko and Anatoly Demyanenko.