5 hryvnias


400 years Luckom Krestovozdviženskomu brotherhood

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30 000

형 동전

16,54 гр.
35 мм


On the obverse of the coin there are: at the top - the small State Emblem of Ukraine, to the right of which there is an inscription UKRAINE (vertically) below - the nominal value is 5 griven; on the mirror background depicts the Holy Cross Church of the Brothers (m. Lutsk, XVII c.), to the right of which, against the background of a stylized old-printed page - the year of coinage 2017, the logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine.
On the reverse of the coin on the mirror background is depicted the brothers, above which are the seal of the brotherhood and the inscription in a semicircle: The Lutsk Hrestovozdvizhensky Brotherhood; Below - an inscription of 400 years.
sleek with deep lettering
It is dedicated to the history of the Lutsk Holy Cross Brotherhood - the national-religious public organization of the Volyn Orthodox gentry, which was aimed at preserving and protecting the Orthodox faith in Volyn and played an extremely important role in the social and political life of the region in the first half of the 17th century. At the end of the XVI - beginning of the XVII centuries, the brotherhoods that arose in Lviv, Kiev, Lutsk, Ostrog, Svobodny and other cities, developed charitable and cultural and educational activities - they opened hospitals, schools, printing houses, distributed books, creating conditions for the development of culture and science, built churches and monasteries.