2 hryvnias


2 hryvnia XXX Summer Olympic Games, London 2012

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30 000

형 동전

12,8 гр.
31 мм
1,8 мм


On the obverse of the coin at the top there is a small State Emblem of Ukraine and a semicircle inscription - the NATIONAL BANK of UKRAINE, a panorama of the city, against the background of which is a stylized Olympic torch on the left, the inscription on the right is London, below the inscription: 2 / hryvnia / 2012 and the Mint logo of the National Bank of Ukraine.
On the reverse of the coin are depicted: a semicircle of representatives of various sports, over which the golden stater of Philip II, who participated in the Olympic Games, and the inscriptions - Games XXX OLYMPIADY (semicircle above), XXX (bottom), to the left and right of which - bay leaves.
Devoted to an important event in world sports life - the XXX Olympiad Games, which will be held in 2012 in the city of London. Designer: avers: Atamanchuk Vladimir revers: Taran Vladimir, Haruk Alexander, Haruk Sergey Engraver: Demyanenko Anatoly, Demyanenko Vladimir