5 hryvnias


50th Anniversary World Congress Ukrainian

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35 000


16,54 гр.
35 мм


On the obverse of the coin, against the background of a stylized image of the Earth model, an ornamental tree stylized as an embroidery; on the left - the small State Emblem of Ukraine and the inscription in a semicircle UKRAINE, on the right the nominal value of 5 / griven (in a semicircle) year of coinage 2017 (bottom); Logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine - in the center of an ornamental tree.
On the reverse of the coin on the mirror background there is a stylized image of a sheaf with an overweight, which symbolizes the uniting and uniting activities of the SCU in the whole world; on both sides of which the years 1967 and 2017; inscriptions on the circle World Congress UKRAINIAN (above), UKRAINIAN WORLD CONGRESS.
Dedicated to the activities of the international coordination superstructure of Ukrainian communities in the diaspora, which for 50 years represents the interests of millions of Ukrainian in the world. The purpose of the activities of the CMS is to spread on the planet the principles of democracy, the protection of human rights, support for independence, territorial integrity, national identity and economic development of Ukraine - the Ukrainian spiritual homeland living outside. Since 2003, the SCA has been recognized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council as a non-governmental organization with special consultative status.