5 hryvnias


5 hryvnia 70 years to the liberation of Kiev (Battle for the Dnieper)

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30 000


16,564 гр.
35 мм
1,8 мм


On the obverse of the coin at the top there is a small State Emblem of Ukraine and a semicircle inscription NATIONAL BANK OF UKRAINE; in the center - a composition symbolizing the victory: the figures of 1943, above which - the image of the salute, below - a laurel branch with a ribbon and a star, on the right above the star - the year of minting of the 2013 coin; below, the semicircle inscription is FIVE CHERRY and the Mint logo of the National Bank of Ukraine (right).
The reverse of the coin contains a stylized dynamic composition depicting an offensive operation involving various branches of service - tank, infantry, artillery, aviation, the Dnieper military flotilla, etc., the mirror surface symbolizes the Dnieper, at the top - the inscription BATTLE / FOR DNEPR.
Devoted to the offensive operations of the Red Army, carried out from August to December 1943. They became the end of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War - the battle for the Dnieper, during which on November 6, 1943, the capital of Ukraine, Kiev, was liberated. This battle was the culmination of the liberation of Ukraine, greatly influenced the further course of military operations and contributed to the defeat of the fascist invaders. Artist: Taran Vladimir, Haruk Alexander, Haruk Sergey Sculptor: Tchaikovsky Roman, Demyanenko Vladimir