5 hryvnias


5 hryvnia 1120 years old Uzhgorod

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30 000


16,54 гр.
35 мм
1,8 мм


On the obverse of the coin at the top there is a small State Emblem of Ukraine, a semicircle inscription NATIONAL BANK OF UKRAINE; under the coat of arms on the tape the inscription - Uzhgorod Castle; in the center is the Uzhgorod castle, surrounded by a protective wall, against which a sprig of sakura is placed; on the left - the year of coinage 2013; below on a mirror background - face value - FIVE UAH and to the right is the logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine.
On the reverse of the coin on a mirror background is a panorama of the city and a pedestrian bridge across the river Uzh framed by sakura branches; at the top left - the coat of arms of Uzhgorod; at the bottom there is an inscription: 1120 / YEARS OF LIVING.
Dedicated to the administrative center of the Transcarpathian region - Uzhgorod, a picturesque city located on the banks of the river Uzh, which arose as a fortress and witnessed many historical events in Transcarpathia. Artist: Skoblikova Maria, Kuzmin Alexander Sculptor: Demyanenko Vladimir, Atamanchuk Vladimir