В нём можно отмечать монеты и управлять коллекцией
World Food Programme
Olympic Games in Athens 2004
The coat of arms and the monogram of the Grand Duke Henri
San Marino
Bartolomeo Borghesi
Expansion of the EU
75th anniversary of the founding of the Vatican City State
Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union
Don Quixote
European Constitution
50th anniversary of the Austrian State Treaty
Grand Duke Henri ja Grand Duke Adolf
World Year of Physics
Establishment of the United Nations
20th World Youth Day
XX Olympic Winter Games - Turin 2006
25th birthday of Grand-Duke Guillaume, heir to the throne
500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus' death
100th anniversary of universal and equal suffrage
5th Centenary of the Pontifical Guard
Treaty of Rome
Grand Ducal Palace
Princess Grace
Portuguese Presidency of the European Union
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Bicentenary of the birth of Giuseppe Garibaldi
90th anniversary of Finland’s independence
80th birthday of Pope Benedict XVI
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Berg Castle
60 years of the Declaration of Human Rights
France's Presidency of the EU
European Year of Intercultural Dialogue
Primož Trubar
The Year of St. Paul
10th anniversary of Economic and Monetary Union
Louis Braille
90 years of the accession to the throne of the Grand Duchess of Charlotte
The second sports games of Portuguese-speaking countries
Federal state of Saarland
European Year of Creativity and Innovation
20 years of velvet revolution
10 years to the Economic and Monetary Union
200 years of autonomy in Finland
Year of Astronomy
Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Camillo Cavour
2.500th anniversary of the Battle of Marathon
Coat of arms of the Grand Duke
100th anniversary of the Portuguese Republic
Charles de Gaulle's Appeal "To all the French"
500th anniversary of the death of Sandro Botticelli
Botanical garden in Ljubljana
150 years of Finnish currency
Year for Priests
500 years of the publication of the book "Praise of Stupidity" by Erasmus of Rotterdam
100th anniversary of International Women’s Day
The Alhambra, the Generalife and Albazin in Granada
Unification of Italy
The Special Olympics World Summer Games — Athens 2011
50th anniversary of the appointment by the Grand-Duchess Charlotte of her son Jean as "lieutenant-représentant"
Constitutional history – first election of representatives in 1849
The wedding of Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock
500th anniversary of Fernão Mendes Pinto’s birth
Music festival
North Rhine-Westphalia
Giorgio Vasari
20 years of Visegrad group
Franc Rozman-Stane
200th anniversary of the Bank of Finland
26th World Youth Day
10 years of euro banknotes and coins
The 75th anniversary of the Queen Elisabeth Competition
Burgos Cathedral
Ten years of euro banknotes and coins
Giovanni Pascoli
Wedding of Prince Guillaume, Hereditary Grand-Duke, with Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy
100th anniversary of the death of Grand Duke of Luxembourg Wilhelm IV
Majority Representation - 1887
500 years of recognition of independence of Monaco
Guimaraes - European Capital of Culture
Abbot of Pierre
Bavaria - Neuschwanstein Castle
150th anniversary of Helena Sherfbek
VII World Meeting of Families
200th Anniversary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
The announcement of Queen Beatrix about the transfer of the throne to Crown Prince Willem-Alexander
100 Years of Royal Meteorological Institute
Monastery of El Escorial
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giuseppe Verdi
100th Anniversary of the Union of Crete with Greece
2400th Anniversary of the Founding of the Platonic Academy
National anthem
Establishment of Self-Government in 1921
20 years since Monaco's accession to the UN
250th Anniversary of the Clérigos Tower, Porto
Pierre de Coubertin's 150th Birthday
50 years of Franco-German friendship
Painter Pinturicchio
1150 years of the Byzantine mission of Cyril and Methodius
800 Years since the Discovery of the Postojna Cave
125th Birthday of Franz Emil Sillanpää
150 years to the Seim of 1863
28th World Youth Day
Sede vacante
King Willem-Alexander and Princess Beatrix
20 years of accession to the Council of Europe
150 Years Belgium Red Cross
100 Years since the Beginning of World War I
Proclamation of Philip VI King of Spain
Park Güell
450th Years since the Birth of Galileo Galilei
200th Anniversary of the Carabinieri
400 Years since the Death of El Greco
150th Anniversary of the Union of the Ionian Islands with Greece
Riga, European Capital of Culture
50th Anniversary of Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne
Luxembourg's Independence
Maltan poliisivoimien 200-vuotisjuhla
Independence from Britain in 1964
International Year of Family Farms
40 Years since the Carnation Revolution
World AIDS Day
The 70th anniversary of the landing of the Allies in Normandy
Lower Saxony
Giacomo Puccini
Donato Bramante
10 years since the entry of Slovakia into the EU
Coronation of Barbara of Celje
100 Years since the Birth of Ilmari Tapiovaara
100 Years since the Birth of Tove Jansson
25 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall
The 30th anniversary of the EU flag
25 Years of Customs Union with the EU
30 years of electoral age
European Year for Development
Rock paintings in the cave of Altamira
Dante Alighieri
EXPO Milano 2015
75 Years since the Death of Spyridon Louis
Black Stork
Latvia's Presidency of the Council of Europe
Lithuanian Language
Nassau-Weilburg Dynasty
15th anniversary of the accession to the throne of H.R.H. the Grand Duke
Republic of Malta 1974
First flight from Malta
The 800th anniversary of the construction of the first castle on the rock of Monaco
500 Years of the Opening of Portuguese Timor
150th Anniversary of the Portuguese Red Cross
70 years of Peace in Europe
225th Anniversary - Festival of the Federation
30 years of the flag of the European Union
25th anniversary of German unification
25 years of German unification
Ľudovít Štúr
150 Years since the Birth of Akseli Gallen-Kallela
Jean Sibelius
The VIII World Meeting of Families
30 years old flag of the European Union
25th Anniversary of Radio and Television in Andorra
The 150th anniversary of the new reform of 1866
European "Child Focus" Center
Olympic Games - Team Belgium
Aqueduct of Segovia
100 Years since Easter Rising
Titus Maccius Plautus
200th Anniversary of the Foundation of the National Bank of Austria
Dimitris Mitropoulos
Monastery of Arkadi
Agriculture of Latvia
Baltische Kultur
50 Anniversary of grande duchesse bridge
Ggantijan temppeli
Founding of Monte Carlo by Charles III
50th anniversary of the bridge named after April 25
Rio 2016 - Team Portugal
François Mitterrand
William Shakespeare
Presidency of the Council of Europe in Slovakia
25th anniversary of Independence
George Henrik von Wright
90 years since the death of the writer Eino Leino
200 years of the Pontifical Gendarmerie
Year of mercy
Paul Keres
The Pyrenean Country
100th Anniversary - Anthem of Andorra
200 years of foundation of Ghent University
200 Years of Liege University
Church of Santa Maria del Naranco in Oviedo
Tito Livio
St Mark's Basilica
60 years since the death of Nikos Kazantzakis
Archaeological Complex of Philippi
Paphos - European Capital of Culture 2017
The historical area of Latgale
Historical Area of Kurzeme
Vilnius - the capital of culture and art
Grand Duke Willem III
50 years of voluntary military service in Luxembourg
Megaliittikompleksi Hajar-Kim
Prinssi carabinieri -yrityksen 200-vuotisjuhla
150th anniversary of the birth of writer Raul Brandan
150 years of the Public Security Police
Fight against breast cancer. 25 years old pink ribbon
100 years since the death of Auguste Rodin
International year of Sustainable Tourism
Painter and architect Giotto di Bondone
550 years Universitas Istropolitana
10 years of the euro in Slovenia
The nature of Finland
100th Anniversary of the Independence of Finland
The 100th anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary in Fatima
The 1950th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul
100 years of independence of Estonia
25th anniversary of the Constitution of Andorra
70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
1968-2018 50 лет ESRO-2B
50 Jahre Studentenrevolte 1968
Historic Center of Santiago de Compostela
50th anniversary of the birth of King Philip VI
60th anniversary of the Ministry of Health of Italy
Constitution of the Italian Republic
100 years to the Republic of Austria
75th anniversary of the death of Kostis Palamas
70th anniversary of the Dodecanese Islands Alliance with Greece
Historical area of Zemgale
100th Anniversary of the Independence of the Baltic States
Song Celebration
175 years since the death of the Grand Duke Guillaume I
Constitution of Luxembourg
Cultural heritage
Esihistoriallinen kompleksi - Mnajdra
250th Birthday of François Joseph Bozio
250th anniversary of the Ajuda Botanical Garden in Lisbon
250th of the Imprensa Nacional
Simone Weil
Helmut Schmidt
500th Anniversary of the Artist's Birth Tintoretto
420th anniversary of the birth of Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini
25 years of the Slovak Republic
World Bee Day
Suomen saunan kulttuuri
Landscape of Koli
European Year of Cultural Heritage
50 years since the death of Padre Pio
100 years to the Republic of Estonia
600th Anniversary of the Council of the Earth
World Cup Alpine Skiing Final
450th Anniversary of Death of Pieter Bruegel the Elder
25th Anniversary of the European Monetary Institution
UNESCO World Heritage. Avila Old Town
100th Anniversary of the Dáil Éireann
500th Anniversary of Death of Leonardo Da Vinci
150th anniversary of the death of Andreas Kalvos
Manolis Andronikos 100th Birthday
The Rising Sun
Lithuanian folk songs
Lithuanian ethnographic regions. Samogitia
100th anniversary of universal suffrage in Luxembourg
100th Anniversary of Grand Duchess Charlotte Accession to the Throne
Nature and environment
Prehistoric complex - Ta' Ħaġrat Temples
200th Anniversary of Prince Honoré V Accession to the Throne
600th Anniversary of the Madeira and Porto Santo Discovery
500th Anniversary of the Magellan–Elcano Circumnavigation
30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall
60 years old Asterix
30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
70th Anniversary of the Bundesrat
550 years since the death of Filippo Lippi
500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci
100th Anniversary of Death of Milan Rastislav Štefánik
100th anniversary of the founding of the University of Ljubljana
Suomen perustuslain 1919
The 90th anniversary of the founding of the Vatican City State
25th anniversary of the completion of the restoration of the Sistine Chapel
100th anniversary of the transfer of studies to Estonian at the University of Tartu
150th anniversary of the first song festival
XXVII Ibero-Amerikan huippukokous Andorrassa 2020
50 vuotta yleistä äänioikeutta Andorrassa
Jan van Eyck
International Year of Plant Health
Mudéjar Architecture of Aragon
150th Anniversary of Birth of Maria Montessori
80th Anniversary of the Foundation of Vigili del Fuoco
100th anniversary of the incorporation of Thrace into Greece
2500th anniversary of the Battle of Thermopylae
Kyproksen neurologian ja genetiikan instituutin 30-vuotisjuhla
Latgalian Ceramics
Mountain of Crosses
Lithuanian ethnographic regions. Aukstaytiya
Kruunun suurherttua Charlesin syntymä
200th Anniversary of Birth of Prince Henry of the Netherlands
From children as a sign of solidarity - Games
Megalithic Temple of Sorrow
300 vuotta Honoré III: n syntymästä
75th Anniversary of the United Nations
Coimbran yliopiston 730. vuosipäivä
Lääketieteellinen tutkimus
50 years since the death of Charles de Gaulle and the 80th anniversary of the conversion on June 18
50th Anniversary of the Warsaw Genuflection
Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam
250th Death Anniversary of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
500 years since the death of Raphael Santi
20th Anniversary of the Entry of Slovakia to the OECD
500th Birth Anniversary of Adam Bohorich
100 vuotta Väinö Linnin syntymästä
100 vuotta Turun yliopistosta
500th anniversary of the death of artist Raphael
100th anniversary of the birth of Pope John Paul II
100th anniversary of the Tartu Peace Treaty between the RSFSR and Estonia
200 years since the discovery of Antarctica
100 vuotta kruunajaisista Our Lady of Merichel
Huolehdimme vanhuksistamme
500th anniversary of the appearance of the decree on the second period of issue of coins during the reign of Charles V
100th anniversary of the Constitution of the Belgian-Luxembourg Economic Union
Historiallinen kaupunki Toledo
Lääketieteelliset ammatit
150 vuotta Rooman julistamisesta Italian pääkaupungiksi
200 vuotta Kreikan vallankumouksesta
Latvian de jure tunnustamisen 100 vuotta
Juvintasin biosfäärialue
Dzukiyan alue
100 vuotta suurherttua Jeanin syntymästä
Suurherttua Henrin ja suurherttuatar Maria Teresan 40. hääpäivä
Tarshiyan temppelikompleksi
Monacon prinssi Albert II: n ja Charlene Wittstockin 10. hääpäivä
Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics
EU: n neuvoston puheenjohtajavaltio
2024 Summer Olympics in Paris
75 vuotta UNICEF
Sachsen-Anhaltin osavaltio. Magdeburgin katedraali
450 vuotta Caravaggion syntymästä
550 vuotta Albrecht Durerin syntymästä
100 vuotta Alexander Dubchekin syntymästä
200 vuotta Krajinan maakuntamuseon perustamisesta
Ahvenanmaan itsehallinnon 100 vuotta
700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri
450th anniversary of the birth of Caravaggio
Viron kansallinen eläin - susi
Suomalais-ugrilaiset kansat
Eurooppalaisen Erasmus-ohjelman 35-vuotisjuhla
Легенда о Карле Великом
10-летие вступления в силу денежно-кредитного соглашения между Андоррой и Европейским союзом
Terveydenhuolto COVID-19-pandemian aikana
Garahonain Kansallispuisto
Juan Sebastian Elcano. Ensimmäisestä maailmanympärimatkasta 500 vuotta
35-лет европейской программе Erasmus
Tuomareiden Giovanni Falconen ja Paolo Borsellinon kuolemasta 30 vuotta
Italian Valtiollisen poliisin 170-vuotispäivä
200 vuotta Kreikan ensimmäisestä perustuslaista
Taloudellinen lukutaito
Koripallon 100-vuotisjuhla Liettuassa
Crown Grand Duke Guillaumen ja Crown Grand Duchess Stephanien häiden 10-vuotispäivä
Luxemburgin lipun 50-vuotispäivä
Hal-Saflienin megaliittinen temppeli
YK: n turvallisuusneuvoston päätöslauselma 1325 (2000) naisista, rauhasta ja turvallisuudesta
100 лет со дня смерти князя Монако Альбера I
Ensimmäisen Etelä-Atlantin ilmaristeyksen 100-vuotisjuhla
Pariisin Kesäolympialaiset 2024
Jacques Chirac
Thüringenin osavaltio. Wartburgin Linna
Antonio Canovan kuolemasta 200 vuotta
530 vuotta Piero della Francescan kuolemasta
Manner-Euroopan ensimmäisen ilmakehän höyrykoneen rakentamisesta 300 vuotta
150 vuotta arkkitehti Joze Plechnikin syntymästä
Ilmastotutkimus Suomessa
Suomen Kansallisbaletti 100 vuotta
Paavi Paavali VI: n syntymästä 125 vuotta
Kalkutan Äiti Teresan kuolemasta 25 vuotta
Viron kirjallisuusseuran 150-vuotisjuhla
Праздник летнего солнцестояния
30 лет вступления Андорры в ООН
75 лет избирательного права женщин в Бельгии
Год ар-нуво
Председательство Испании в Совете ЕС
Старый город Касерес
50-летие вступления Ирландии в ЕС
150 лет со дня смерти Алессандро Мандзони
100 лет военной авиации Италии
150 лет со дня рождения Константина Каратеодори
100 лет со дня рождения Марии Каллас
Введение евро в качестве официальной валюты Хорватии с 1 января 2023 года
60-летие Центрального банка Кипра
Подсолнух для Украины
Вместе с Украиной
175 лет Палате депутатов Люксембурга
25-летие членства Великого Герцога Анри в Международном олимпийском комитете
550 лет со дня рождения Николая Коперника
Наполеон Бонапарт и французы на Мальте
100 лет со дня рождения князя Ренье III
Всемирный день молодежи в Лиссабоне 2023
Чемпионат мира по регби 2023 во Франции
Летние Олимпийские игры 2024 в Париже
1275 лет со дня рождения Карла Великого
Гамбург (Эльбская филармония) - 1-я монета серии Федеральные земли II
500 лет со дня смерти Луки Синьорелли
500 лет со дня смерти Перуджино
200-летие со дня открытия конной почты на маршруте Вена-Братислава
100-летие первого переливания крови в Словакии
150 лет со дня рождения Йосипа Племеля
Социально-медицинское обслуживание
Первый закон Финляндии об охране природы 1923 года
500 лет со дня смерти Пьетро Перуджино
Деревенская ласточка, национальная птица Эстонии
Председательство Бельгии в Совете ЕС, Бельгия
Борьба с раком в Бельгии
200 лет Национальной полиции Испании
Севильский собор, Севильский Алькасар и Архив Индий, Испания
Рита Леви-Монтальчини
250-летие со дня основания Финансовой гвардии
150 лет со дня рождения Пенелопы Дельты, Греция
50-летие восстановления демократии в Греции
Город Вараждин
Литовская традиция создания соломенных садов
100 лет люксембургскому франку с изображением литейщика, Люксембург
175 лет со дня смерти Великого герцога Виллема II, Люксембург
Мальтийская медоносная пчела
Цитадель на Гоцо
500 лет Тордесильясскому договору, Монакоье III
50-я годовщина революции 25 апреля 1974 года
Участие Португалии в 33-х Олимпийских играх
Летние Олимпийские игры 2024 года в Париже, Франция
Олимпийский факел
75 лет со дня принятия Конституции Паульскирхе, Германия
Мекленбург-Передняя Померания, Германия
50-летие принятия Декларации прав граждан и основных принципов правовой системы Сан-Марино
530 лет cо дня смерти Доменико Гирландайо, Сан-Марино
100-летие Кошицкого марафона, Словакия
250 лет Национальной и университетской библиотеке Словении
Выборы и демократия, Финляндия
Гезеллиус, Линдгрен, Сааринен
750-летие со дня смерти Фомы Аквинского
150-летие со дня рождения Гульельмо Маркони
Василек — национальный цветок Эстонии
Национальная лотерея Бельгии
Автотрасса Спа-Франкоршам
Старый город Саламанка
Юбилейный год 2025
Кругосветное путешествие на учебном судне «Америго Веспуччи» 2023-2025
100 лет со дня рождения Микиса Теодоракиса
200 лет со дня смерти Ласкарины Бубулины
Историческая область Селия
Оборона страны
Малая Литва
25-летие восшествия на престол Великого Герцога Анри
75-летие декларации Шумана
Мальтийский бык
Устойчивое развитие
16-й Всемирный скаутский Мут в Португалии
Собор Парижской Богоматери
35 лет немецкого единства
Саар, Сааршляйфе
Юбилейный год 2025. Пилигримы надежды
550 лет со дня рождения Микеланджело
100 лет первого Чемпионата Европы по хоккею
100 лет со дня рождения словенского мультипликатора и иллюстратора Мики Мустера
Государственные визиты Финляндии — дипломатия и внешняя политика
100 лет Финско-шведским легкоатлетическим играм
500-летие первого печатного текста на эстонском языке