5 hryvnias


5 hryvnia 70 years of the liberation of Ukraine from the fascist invaders

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30 000

Tyyppi kolikot

16,54 гр.
35 мм


On the obverse of the coin at the top there is a small State Emblem of Ukraine, under which are the inscriptions - UKRAINE / 5 griven / 2014. In the center there are lines from the poem of Pavel Tychyna: I AM A PEOPLE / WHAT TRUTH FORCE / NO OWN has been defeated WASN'T. / WHAT TROUBLE ME, / WHAT PLAIN Mowed! - / A POWER blossomed again ... / Pavlo Tychyna, to the right of which depicts a field bouquet of cornflowers, ears of corn and red poppy (used pad printing) and the logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine.
On the reverse of the coin there is a stylized composition: two female figures as the personification of grief and joy on the background of the map of Ukraine (right) and the inscriptions: 28 / OCTOBER / 1944, 22 / JUNE / 1941 (left), LIBERATION / UKRAINE / FROM NAZI / PERSONS (bottom ).
Devoted to the liberation of Ukraine, which was in the epicenter of the war of the USSR with Nazi Germany and its allies. Ukrainian land swept through a destructive war rampart - cities and villages were destroyed, the economy was destroyed, human losses were estimated in the millions. Military operations took place on the territory of Ukraine for 40 months, the battle for Ukraine consisted of 11 strategic and 23 front-line operations and ended on October 28, 1944 with the complete liberation of its territory from the Nazis.