10 hryvnias


10 hryvnia 120 years of Odessa State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater

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5 000

Tyyppi kolikot

31,1 гр.
38,61 мм


The obverse depicts the interior of the auditorium and contains the inscriptions: NATIONAL / BANK OF UKRAINE / 10 HRYVEN / 2007, to the left of which is the small National Emblem of Ukraine, as well as the designation of the metal, its sample Ag 925, weight in purity 31.1.
The reverse depicts the building of the Odessa State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, under which there is an inscription of 120 years, in a circle of coins is the ODESSA STATE ACADEMIC OPERA AND BALLET Theater.
Dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the famous building - the Odessa State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, which is made in the style of Viennese Baroque. The theater was designed by architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer and opened in 1887. The ceiling of the auditorium is painted by Viennese artist Franz Lefler on the subjects of Shakespeare's works. The theater is interesting not only for its architecture, but also for its rich creative biography. Artist: Taran Vladimir, Haruk Alexander, Haruk Sergey Sculptor: Ivanenko Svyatoslav, Demyanenko Vladimir