in the center of the disk - the emblem of the Bank of Russia (a two-headed eagle with wings down, under it an inscription in a semicircle "BANK OF RUSSIA"), framed by a circle of dots and inscriptions along the rim: at the top - "THREE RUBLE", at the bottom - "2009" the designation of metal, the alloy test, to the right - the precious metal content and the mint trade mark.
on the left on a mirror surface - the image of the Intercession Cathedral, on the right - an inset of gold in the form of a bell with an inscription on the inside of its lower edge: "Au 999 1.55", below it - the inscription: "VORONEZH", at the bottom of the disc on a matte surface - Inscription in two lines: "Pokrovsky Cathedral".
The Intercession Cathedral was built in Voronezh in 1833-1835. presumably according to the project of the provincial architect I.A. Blitsina, is an object of cultural heritage of federal significance.