3 rubles


100th anniversary of the formation of the Republic of Ingushetia

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3 000

Coin type

33,94 (±0,31)


relief image of the State Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation, above it along the edge – the inscription in a semicircle "RUSSIAN FEDERATION", framed on both sides with double diamonds, under the coat of arms on the left – the designations of precious metal and alloy samples, on the right – the content of chemically pure metal and the trademark of the mint, at the bottom in the center in three lines – the inscription "BANK OF RUSSIA", face value of the coin "3 RUBLES", year of issue "2024"
a color image of the flag and a relief image of the coat of arms of the Republic of Ingushetia against the background of images of significant cultural and historical objects made in the technique of laser matting; relief inscriptions: "THE REPUBLIC OF INGUSHETIA" at the top of the circle, "100 YEARS" at the bottom in two lines.
300 corrugations.
Ingushetia is the youngest republic in the Russian Federation. It is located on the northern slopes of the foothills of the Greater Caucasus Mountain Range, in its central part. The capital is the city of Magas. In 1921-1924, Ingushetia was part of the Mountain ASSR. In 1924, in connection with the collapse of the Gorsky ASSR, the Ingush Autonomous Region was formed. On June 4, 1992, the law on the formation of the Ingush Republic within the Russian Federation was adopted. Ingushetia is an agrarian-industrial, predominantly rural republic. The leading area of agriculture is animal husbandry. Favorable climatic conditions, the presence of pastures and hayfields contribute to the development of meat and dairy cattle breeding, sheep breeding, and goat breeding in mountainous Ingushetia. Crop production specializes in the cultivation of cereals (wheat, buckwheat, etc.), sunflowers, vegetables, potatoes. The industry is represented, firstly, by the oil industry. Of the total industrial production, 74.6% is accounted for by the oil complex. The second most important industry is the food industry. An important natural resource of Ingushetia is forests, mainly mixed broad–leaved, including valuable tree species (beech, oak, plane tree, etc.).
Artists: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), O.G. Shepel (reverse). Sculptors: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse), A.N. Bessonov (reverse).