100 rubles


The 225th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin

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Coin type

1083,74 (±2,65)
100,00 (±0,80)
15,00 (±0,60)


relief image of the State Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation, above it along the edge – the inscription in a semicircle "RUSSIAN FEDERATION", framed on both sides with double diamonds, under the coat of arms on the left – the designations of precious metal and alloy samples, on the right – the content of chemically pure metal and the trademark of the mint, at the bottom in the center in three lines – the inscription "BANK OF RUSSIA", the face value of the coin is "100 RUBLES", the year of issue is "2024".
relief image of A.S. Pushkin standing against the background of the Hermitage Theater and the Hermitage Bridge, and images of the canal, the Peter and Paul Fortress, the city, the cloudy sky and the arch with lines of the manuscript "Monument" made in relief on the right – the inscription "A.S. Pushkin", the years of life "1799" and "1837" and decorative ornament.
360 corrugations.
Russian Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837) was the founder of the new Russian literature, the creator of the modern Russian literary language. In his youthful poems, he is a poet of the lyceum brotherhood, "a fan of friendly freedom, fun, graces and intelligence"; in early poems, he is a singer of bright and free passions: "Ruslan and Lyudmila", romantic "southern" poems "The Caucasian Prisoner", "The fountain of Bakhchisarai", etc. The freedom-loving and anti-tyrannical motives of early lyrics, the independence of personal behavior were the reason for the links: yuzhnaya (1820-24, Yekaterinoslav, Caucasus, Crimea, Chisinau, Odessa) and to the village of Mikhailovskoye (1824-1826). The variety of genres and styles developed (including the "unadorned" prose of Belkin's Novellas, the story "The Queen of Spades" and other works that anticipated the development of realistic writing), the lightness, elegance and accuracy of verse, relief and strength of characters, "enlightened humanism", the universality of poetic thinking and Pushkin's personality itself predetermined its paramount importance in Russian literature; Pushkin raised it to the world level. The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" recreates the lifestyle and spiritual composition of the "typical" hero overcoming Byronism, the way of life of the metropolitan and provincial nobility. In the novel and in many other works, Pushkin addresses the problems of individualism and the boundaries of freedom. He was the first to identify (in poems, drama, prose) many of the leading problems of Russian literature of the XIX century, often in their tragic confrontation and insolubility – the people and the government, the state and the individual, the role of the individual and the people in history: the tragedy "Boris Godunov", the poems "Poltava", "The Bronze Horseman", the novel "The Captain's daughter." In the philosophical lyrics of the 30s, "small tragedies" ("Mozart and Salieri", "The Stone Guest", "The Miserly Knight") The themes of "friendship", love, poetry of life, creative vocation and memories, which are constant for Pushkin's poetry, are complemented by an acute formulation of fundamental issues: the meaning and justification of existence, death and immortality, spiritual salvation and moral purification.
Artists: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), S.V. Sutyagin (reverse). Sculptors: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse), A.N. Bessonov (reverse).