5 hryvnias


500th anniversary of the Reformation

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40 000

Τύπος νομίσματα

16,54 гр.
35 мм


The obverse of the coin contains: at the top - the small State Emblem of Ukraine, under which are the inscriptions: UKRAINE / 5 HRYVEN, on a mirror background - the cross, on the left - a stylized sheet of an expanded Bible, translated in German by Martin Luther, with a decorative bookmark with a Ukrainian ornament, symbolizes the involvement of Ukraine in the pan-European process of creating a new church. To the right of the cross there are five theses that are the quintessence of this theology: ONLY / Scripture / ONLY / FAITH / ONLY / THANKS / ONLY / CHRIST / ONLY / GOD OF GLORY; Logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine (bottom right).
The reverse of the coin contains: in a red-black background (pad printing used), which symbolizes the drama of time, crucifixion, on the right - Martin Luther, who holds a sheet with his theses in his hand, and the inscriptions: MARTIN / LUTHER (above), 500 years / REFORMATION (vertically to the left).
Devoted to the important phenomenon of European culture - the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The formal beginning of the religious-social movement in Europe in the 16th - mid-17th centuries was associated with the performance of the German reformer, doctor of theology at the University of Wittenberg, Martin Luther, who published his famous 95 theses in 1517, which were against the practice of selling indulgences (exemption from sin, granted by the Church ) and noted that a person achieves `soul salvation` (or` vypravdannya`) not because of the church and its rites, but with the help of the faith bestowed on it directly by God. The influence of the Reformation on the Ukrainian lands turned out to be in the democratization of the church, its approximation to the people, the process of creating national schools, printing houses, translation of the Bible and liturgical books in the living Ukrainian language.