5 hryvnias


5 hryvnia 70 years of the liberation of Melitopol

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30 000

Coin type

16,54 гр.
35 мм
1,8 мм


The obverse of the coin at the top contains the small State Emblem of Ukraine, under which are the inscriptions: on the left - NATIONAL / BANK / UKRAINE, on the right - 5 / griven / 2013. In the center is a group of soldiers during the attack, on the right is the logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine, below the inscription PRORIV Soviet troops / German line of defense / `WATAN`.
On the reverse of the coin, the composition is depicted on a mirror background: a star from the movie of the Order of Glory, in the center of which there is an inscription of 70 / years, a laurel branch, and also the inscriptions: LIBERATION OF MELITOPOL FROM FASCIST CAPERS (in a circle) and 1943 (below).
Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Melitopol offensive operation with the Soviet troops breaking through the German Wotan line of defense - an event that marked the beginning of the defeat of the enemy and the liberation of the south-eastern part of Ukraine and the Crimea from the Nazi occupiers. Artist: Anatoly Demyanenko, Svetlana Dudenko, Svyatoslav Ivanenko Sculptor: Anatoly Demyanenko, Svyatoslav Ivanenko