10 hryvnias


Madder Dnieper

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Coin type

31,1 гр.
38,6 мм
1,8 мм


On the obverse of the coin in the frame of a wreath, formed from images of certain types of flora and fauna, is placed the small State Emblem of Ukraine and the inscription: UKRAINE / 10 / griven / 2018.
On the reverse of the coin is depicted on a mirror background - the Dnieper madder above the stylized river bottom and the semicircular inscriptions are placed: MARENA DNEPROVSKAYA (above), BARBUS BORYSTHENICUS (below).
sleek with deep lettering
It is dedicated to a freshwater schooling bottom fish of the carp family - Maren Dneprovskaya, an endangered species, endemics of the basins of the Dnieper and the Southern Bug, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and the European Red List.