2 hryvnias


2 hryvnia 110 years since the birth of Maxim Taydeyovich Rilsky

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20 000

نوع العملات

12,8 гр.
31 мм


وجه العملة
The obverse of the coin contains a stylized composition - illustrated poetry, where roses and grapes intertwined, to the left of which vertically in two lines are the inscriptions UKRAINE, 2 grivny, over which is the logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine, and under the inscriptions is the small State Emblem of Ukraine and the year of coinage - 2005.
On the reverse of the coin there is a portrait of Rilsky, to the left of which the inscription MAXIM RILSKY is placed vertically in two lines, under which are the years of life - 1895/1964.
Dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the classic Ukrainian literature of the twentieth century, translator, scientist, public figure Maxim Tadeevich Rylsky. The many-sided legacy of an outstanding poet (`Roses and Grapes`,` Far Nebskhili`, `Goloseevskaya Autumn`, etc.) brought modern Ukrainian literature to the heights of world literature. Artist: Taran Vladimir, Haruk Alexander, Haruk Sergey Sculptor: Demyanenko Vladimir, Tchaikovsky Roman