On the obverse of the coin, the overall composition depicting the idea of Ukraine’s unity is depicted: the small State Emblem of Ukraine is supported by the armorial figures of the Archangel Michael and the crowned lion - symbols of the cities of Kiev and Lvov, stylized inscriptions: UKRAINE, 2002, 5 griven and the Mint logo.
On the reverse of the coin in the circle of the circle, there is a battle scene, around which there is a stylized inscription 350TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE UNDER BATOGUE.
Dedicated to the outstanding victory of the Ukrainian army during the Liberation War, held June 1-2, 1652 on the left bank of the Southern Bug near Knut Mountain (Trostyanetsky district, Vinnitsa region) between the Ukrainian-Tatar army under the leadership of B.Khmelnytsky and M. Kalinovsky's Polish army. Artist: Ivakhnenko Alexander Sculptor: Novakovski Andrzej, Atamanchuk Vladimir