10 hryvnias


10 hryvnia Yaroslav the Wise

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3 000

tüüp münte

31,1 гр.
38,6 мм


The obverse of a coin framed in an old Russian ornament, reproduced from an ornament on the sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise, shows the small State Emblem of Ukraine and stylized inscriptions: 2001, UKRAINE, 10 griven and the Mint logo, metal, its sample - Ag 925 and weight in purity - 31 ,1.
The reverse of the coin depicts Yaroslav the Wise with a collection of laws in his hand with an inscription in two lines `THE TRUTH RUSSIAN` on a background of a mosaic image of Oranta’s face (left) and a cathedral (right), as well as stylized inscriptions on top of two lines: 1054 and below in two lines: PRINCE UKRAINE.
Dedicated to the statesman, Grand Duke of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise (1015-1054), during whose rule Kievan Rus strengthened and expanded its borders, strengthened the international position of the state, founded Kiev Metropolis, developed a collection of laws of ancient Russian law, reached the highest development of Old Russian culture. Artist: Taran Vladimir, Haruk Alexander, Haruk Sergey, Kozachenko Vitaly Sculptor: Demyanenko Vladimir