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Tipo de Moneda

8,50 g
25,75 mm
2,20 mm


Las monedas en euros lituanas muestran el escudo de armas de la República de Lituania (conocido como Vytis), el nombre del país de emisión (LIETUVA) y el año de emisión (2015). En las monedas, diseñadas por el escultor Antanas Žukauskas, figuran también las doce estrellas de la bandera europea
Una representación geográfica de Europa
LAISVĖ * VIENYBĖ * GEROVĖ * (Libertad * Unidad * Bienestar *)
The proposed design of the Lithuanian euro coins share a similar national side for all denominations, featuring the Vytis symbol and the name of the country, "Lietuva". The design was announced on 11 November 2004 following a public opinion poll conducted by the Bank of Lithuania. It was created by the sculptor Antanas Žukauskas. The only difference between the coins is that the one and two euro coins have vertical lines on the outer circle, the fifty, twenty and ten cent coins have horizontal lines on the outer circle, and the five, two and one cent coins have no lines on the outer circle. In January 2014 it was announced that all coins will have "2015" printed on them to display the year of Lithuania's euro adoption. The Lithuanian Mint was chosen to mint the coins.