3 rubles


160th anniversary of the Bank of Russia

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5 000

Coin type

33,94 (±0,31)
39,00 (±0,30)
3,30 (±0,35)


on the mirror field of the disk in a circle framed by a bead rim, there is a relief image of the emblem of the Bank of Russia - a two-headed eagle with its wings down, under it there is an inscription in a semicircle: "BANK OF RUSSIA"; along the piping there are inscriptions separated by dots, at the top there is a coin denomination: “THREE RUBLES”, at the bottom there is a date: “2020”, between them is a precious metal designation, alloy test, chemically pure metal content and a mint trademark.
on the mirror field of the disk - a relief image of stones located on thin beams, which are a symbol of balance; below - an inscription in two lines: "160 YEARS TO THE BANK OF RUSSIA".
300 corrugated
In 1860, Russian Emperor Alexander II signed a decree establishing the State Bank. According to the charter, he was supposed to contribute to the “revitalization of trade and the strengthening of the monetary credit system”. Its first manager was the famous banker, entrepreneur and benefactor Alexander Ludwigovich Stiglitz. In the early years, the State Bank was mainly engaged in short-term commercial lending. In the 1920s, the bank took an active part in reviving the country's financial system and developing commodity-money relations. During the years of world wars, his activity was focused on covering military expenses, supplying troops and the population with money. In the Soviet Union, the State Bank was the body of planned lending to the economy, issued cash, made international payments. In the 1990s, the bank did everything possible to maintain the stability of the economy, created a system of currency regulation and control. Today, the Bank of Russia is a high-tech mega-regulator that is responsible for the stability of the entire financial system of the country.
Artists: A.V. Baklanov, People's Artist of Russia (obverse), S.A. Kozlov (reverse). Sculptors: A.V. Baklanov, People's Artist of Russia (obverse), computer modeling (reverse).