On the obverse of the coin are placed: at the top is the small State Emblem of Ukraine, to the left and right of which are inscriptions in a semicircle – UKRAINE, the year of minting the coin 2023; the nominal value is FIVE HRYVNIA, in the center is a picture of Oleg Shuplyak's "Cradle" filled with folk color, which embodies one of the most expensive archetypes of Ukrainians - a parental home surrounded by hollyhocks and towels, which is both a cradle and a nest, which symbolizes the continuation of
The reverse of the coin depicts Oleg Shuplyak's painting "Connection": against the background of a stylized universe - a baby astronaut, inextricably linked by an umbilical cord with his mother Ukraine (map of Ukraine at the top), a mirror inscription BORN IN UKRAINE is placed on the left in a semicircle.