20 rubles


The way of Skaryna. Wilno

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2 000

Coin type

50,00 мм.


at the top - a relief image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus, below it is the inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ; in the center - a quotation from the afterword to "The Heraldman" from the "Little Road Book", published by F. Skorina (for a silver coin, the quote was made using tampon printing technology); under it - a decorative element from the "Little Road Book"; left and right - fragments of illustrations from the "Little Road Book", in the field of which are inscribed: on the left - the year of coinage, on the right - the alloy sample (on a silver one); at the bottom - face value: 20 РУБЛЁЎ
in the center - an image of the Mother of God with her son from the "Little Road Book" against the backdrop of the view of the city of Vilna from the ancient engraving of the 16th century from the atlas of G. Browne; left and right - fragments of decorative elements from the "Little Road Book"; at the bottom - the inscription "Вільня"; at the top - an inscription along the circle "SHARKS OF SCARY."
Coins have the form of a circle, with the front and back sides - protruding edge along the circumference. Lateral surface of coins with a notch.