2 rubles



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5 000

Coin type

17,00 (± 0,18)
33,00 (± 0,20)
2,40 (± 0,20)


relief image of the State Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation, above it along the edge — the inscription in a semicircle "RUSSIAN FEDERATION", framed on both sides with double diamonds, under the coat of arms on the left — the designations of precious metal and alloy samples, on the right — the content of chemically pure metal and the trademark of the mint, at the bottom in the center in three lines — the inscription "BANK OF RUSSIA", the face value of the coin "2 RUBLES", year of issue "2024".
a relief image of a wild goose sitting on a branch against the background of a laser–matted image of a forest landscape; at the bottom of the circle is a relief inscription "WILD GOOSE".
195 corrugations
Dikusha (lat. Falcipennis falcipennis is a bird of the grouse family. A declining species. It is endemic to Russia, lives in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. It inhabits foothill and mountain coniferous forests. Negative trends from a decrease in the number of wild boar to its complete disappearance on the periphery of the range in Yakutia, the Amur and Sakhalin regions, the Khabarovsk Territory and Primorye are due to the results of economic development of territories, concomitant deforestation, fires, and direct human persecution. Due to the intensification of industrial development of the territories of the Far East and Eastern Siberia, the further threat of population decline remains.
Artists: E.V. Kramskaya (obverse), F.S. Andronov (reverse). Sculptors: A.A. Dolgopolova (obverse), F.S. Andronov (reverse).