On the obverse of the coin there are: at the top left on a relief background - the small State Emblem of Ukraine, on the right against the background of a stylized relief image of the brain - a mirror outline of a person; at the bottom of the inscription: 2 / ГРИВНИ / 2020; on the left, on a mirror background, a vertical inscription - UKRAINE; logo of the Banknote-Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine (above the face value).
The reverse of the coin depicts a portrait of Andrei Romodanov to the right, the inscriptions to the left of him: 1920/1993 (years of life); ANDREY ROMODANOV (in a semicircle) and a graphic image of the human brain (on a mirrored background).
Dedicated to the outstanding scientist, public figure, teacher, founder of the neurosurgical school in Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Andrey Petrovich Romodanov.