5 hryvnias


75 years of victory over Nazism in World War II 1939 - 1945

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40 000

Coin type

16,54 гр.
35 мм


On the obverse of the coin at the top on a mirror background is the small State Emblem of Ukraine, under which the inscription - 75 YEARS / VICTORIES / OVER / NACISM / IN THE SECOND / WORLD / WAR; on the left, on the matte background of the inscription: 2020 / UKRAINE / 5 GRIVEN (the inscription GRIVEN - vertical); below on a mirror background is a decorative image of a dove holding an olive branch - a symbol of freedom, peace, victory. At the bottom right is the logo of the Banknote and Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine).
The reverse of the coin depicts a stylized composition: a vertical barbed wire, divides the coin plane conditionally into a military one (left) with cracked, torn edges (which symbolize tension, anxiety, pain), against which the inscription is 1939, and peaceful, where the barbed wire sprouts leaves (which symbolizes the rebirth and continuation of life), against which the inscription - 1945.
Dedicated to perpetuation of memory and victory in World War II - the bloodiest in human history, lasting six years. Military operations took place on the territory of 40 states and inflicted extreme suffering on humanity. A significant contribution to the victory over Nazism was made by Ukraine, whose territory from June 1941 to October 1944 was the central section of the entire European bridgehead of military operations. During the Second World War, Ukraine suffered huge human (approximately 9-10 million people) and material losses.