In the upper half of the center there is a relief image of the bison, along the circumference there is the inscription "50 year of Peramogi ў Vialikai Aichynnay Vine"; in the lower half - the denomination of the coin is designated "500 РУБЛЕЎ" and the year of coinage "1995", at the bottom there is the inscription "Respublika Belarus"
In the center there is a relief image of the Obelisk of Victory located on Victory Square in Minsk, to the left of it the date "1945", on the right is "1995", in the upper half of the circle there is the inscription "50 year Peramogi ў Vyalikai Aichynnay Vaine".
Coins have the form of a circle, with the front and back sides - protruding edge along the circumference.